Why I Write

I write for anyone who loves an adoptee. Maybe there are some things that are true for them too and reading it helps you understand them a bit more.

I write to give adoptive families ideas and tools to create fun memories or maybe even traditions. 

I write to join the conversation. There are a lot of voices in this hashtag land and the most memorable ones are usually the haunting, gripping stories, but I want to be another voice of hope. 

I write from a perspective of adoption trying to be centered on the gospel. The good news of Jesus with the understanding that brokenness happened but there is redemption and hope. 

I write because I knew so few adoptees growing up and that was lonely.

I write to change the communication. There are terms I don’t like (and I’m glad to see some have already called out and are on their way out) and if I could give some new words as alternatives I would be so happy. 

I write for any cross-racial adoptee who just doesn’t fit the group they look like or the group they know. 

I write for the burning fire in my soul that says I have a part to play in the adoption movement. 

I write for hope, in faith that the things God has impressed upon me with actually might be helpful. 

I don’t write to convince anyone to adopt. I used to want to, even though I knew it wasn’t my job, but now I am at a place where I can honestly say it’s not a motivating factor. I do write in hopes that some people might consider adoption. I write to shine a spotlight on adoption and bring it to the conversation for families. 

I write for the birth moms to know the choice they make to place their child can be a loving one. 

I write for the adoptive parents to know maybe some things their child doesn’t want to or doesn’t feel like expressing directly to them. 

And I write for adoptees to know that they can share their story, even when we feel guilty if we have a “good one”. We can share our story when we are still wrestling with how to say it. We can share our story when it’s complicated or not. And we can share our story when there’s nothing much to say because it’s just part of our past and not on our minds in the present.

I write for my children to get to know some part of the path before they joined.

I write for myself.

Drafted to self Jan 2021

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